Tuesday Nov 22, 2016
Geekmore 42 - Best Harry Potter Side Characters
Tuesday Nov 22, 2016
Tuesday Nov 22, 2016
This week's episode, is a MAM TAKEOVER! The wives of the Geekmore panel (from Mommas And Merlot Podcast) take over this episode to discuss the Mt. Rushmore of Harry Potter side characters from the books. Also, the podcast now has MERCH MERCH MERCH available at this link: GEEKMORE MERCH Or you can search GeekBro on Amazon.
The podcast now has DONATE button and an AMAZON banner that you can click on to support the show. CLICK HERE
Follow Mt.GEEKmore on INSTAGRAM
Be sure to follow Mt. GEEKmore on Twitter: @MtGEEKmore
Mt. GEEKmore is on Facebook: Facebook.com/MtGeekMore
Mt. GEEKmore is: @NerySaenz / @Remyfication / @GeoffMerc
Email us at MtGeekmore@gmail.com
Monday Nov 14, 2016
Geekmore 41 - Best TV Comedy Duos
Monday Nov 14, 2016
Monday Nov 14, 2016
This week's episode, we talk, Classic Nintendo debut, Starship Troopers reboot, Arrow, Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, the best and WORST celebrities to meet at Cons. And we do the Mt. Rushmore of Best TV Comedy Duos. Also, the podcast now has MERCH MERCH MERCH available at this link: GEEKMORE MERCH Or you can search GeekBro on Amazon.
The podcast now has DONATE button and an AMAZON banner that you can click on to support the show. CLICK HERE
Follow Mt.GEEKmore on INSTAGRAM
Be sure to follow Mt. GEEKmore on Twitter: @MtGEEKmore
Mt. GEEKmore is on Facebook: Facebook.com/MtGeekMore
Mt. GEEKmore is: @NerySaenz / @Remyfication / @GeoffMerc
Email us at MtGeekmore@gmail.com
Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
Geekmore 40 - Best tv/movie US Presidents
Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
This week we air a SPECIAL ELECTION DAY episode as we prepare for the end of life as we know it and discuss the Mt. Rushmore of the best US President in a movie and/or TV show. Also, the podcast now has MERCH MERCH MERCH available at this link: GEEKMORE MERCH Or you can search GeekBro on Amazon.
The podcast now has DONATE button and an AMAZON banner that you can click on to support the show. CLICK HERE
Follow Mt.GEEKmore on INSTAGRAM
Be sure to follow Mt. GEEKmore on Twitter: @MtGEEKmore
Mt. GEEKmore is on Facebook: Facebook.com/MtGeekMore
Mt. GEEKmore is: @NerySaenz / @Remyfication / @GeoffMerc
Email us at MtGeekmore@gmail.com
Monday Oct 31, 2016
Geekmore 39 - Tom Hanks
Monday Oct 31, 2016
Monday Oct 31, 2016
It's our 1 year ANNIVERSARY episode! And we ALL 5 permanent panelist on to talk about Walking Dead season 7 premiere, Nintendo Switch and the Mt. Rushmore of Tom Hanks mountain, a topic selected by the listeners. Also, the podcast now has MERCH MERCH MERCH available at this link: GEEKMORE MERCH Or you can search GeekBro on Amazon.
The podcast now has DONATE button and an AMAZON banner that you can click on to support the show. CLICK HERE
Follow Mt.GEEKmore on INSTAGRAM
Be sure to follow Mt. GEEKmore on Twitter: @MtGEEKmore
Mt. GEEKmore is on Facebook: Facebook.com/MtGeekMore
Mt. GEEKmore is: @NerySaenz / @Remyfication / @GeoffMerc
Email us at MtGeekmore@gmail.com
Monday Oct 24, 2016
Geekmore 38 - Best Halloween Candy
Monday Oct 24, 2016
Monday Oct 24, 2016
The Halloween set of episodes continues. This week we discuss the Mt Rushmore of the Best Halloween Candies of all time. We also discuss the latest in the world of Geek news including DCEU, Marvel's Luke Cage, Spider-Man, and much more. Also, the podcast now has MERCH MERCH MERCH available at this link: GEEKMORE MERCH
The podcast now has DONATE button and an AMAZON banner that you can click on to support the show. CLICK HERE
Follow Mt.GEEKmore on INSTAGRAM
Be sure to follow Mt. GEEKmore on Twitter: @MtGEEKmore
Mt. GEEKmore is on Facebook: Facebook.com/MtGeekMore
Mt. GEEKmore is: @NerySaenz / @Remyfication / @GeoffMerc
Tuesday Oct 18, 2016
Geekmore 37 - Best Movie Monsters
Tuesday Oct 18, 2016
Tuesday Oct 18, 2016
The Geekmore panel LOVES Halloween. In preparation for it, we will be doing a slew of of Halloween themed topics this month. We begin with this week's as we discuss what the Mt Rushmore of the Best Movie Monsters of all time is. We also discuss the latest in the world of Geek news including DCEU, Marvel's Luke Cage, Spider-Man, and much more. Also, the podcast now has MERCH MERCH MERCH available at this link: GEEKMORE MERCH
The podcast now has DONATE button and an AMAZON banner that you can click on to support the show. CLICK HERE
Follow Mt.GEEKmore on INSTAGRAM
Be sure to follow Mt. GEEKmore on Twitter: @MtGEEKmore
Mt. GEEKmore is on Facebook: Facebook.com/MtGeekMore
Mt. GEEKmore is: @NerySaenz / @Remyfication / @GeoffMerc
Monday Oct 10, 2016
Geekmore 36 - Best Movie Soundtrack Compilations
Monday Oct 10, 2016
Monday Oct 10, 2016
This week the panel welcomes What's Up Bro podcast co-host, Stephanie Meyer-Senior, and talk (a lot) about DCU & Marvel movies, Ben Affleck's The Batman, John Wick, Suicide Squad, Netflix's Luke Cage & they discuss the Mt. Rushmore of the Best Movie Soundtrack Compilations. Also, the podcast now has MERCH MERCH MERCH available at this link: GEEKMORE MERCH
The podcast now has DONATE button and an AMAZON banner that you can click on to support the show. CLICK HERE
Follow Mt.GEEKmore on INSTAGRAM
Be sure to follow Mt. GEEKmore on Twitter: @MtGEEKmore
Mt. GEEKmore is on Facebook: Facebook.com/MtGeekMore
Mt. GEEKmore is: @NerySaenz / @Remyfication / @GeoffMerc
Monday Oct 03, 2016
Geekmore 35 - Worst Videogame Movies
Monday Oct 03, 2016
Monday Oct 03, 2016
This week the panel are recording live from KORKA Comics in Miami. They talk new shows from Amazon, El Rey Network and then discuss their mountain of the WORST Videogame to movie adaptations. Also, the podcast now has MERCH MERCH MERCH available at this link: GEEKMORE MERCH
The podcast now has DONATE button and an AMAZON banner that you can click on to support the show. CLICK HERE
Follow Mt.GEEKmore on INSTAGRAM
Be sure to follow Mt. GEEKmore on Twitter: @MtGEEKmore
Mt. GEEKmore is on Facebook: Facebook.com/MtGeekMore
Mt. GEEKmore is: @NerySaenz / @Remyfication / @GeoffMerc
Tuesday Sep 27, 2016
Geekmore 34 - Fav Simpsons SIDE characters
Tuesday Sep 27, 2016
Tuesday Sep 27, 2016
This week the panel discusses the new tv shows/pilots that we saw including, Lethal Weapon, Pitch, This is Us, the Exorcist and more as well as discussing our Mt Rushmore of our favorite SIDE CHARACTERS form The Simpsons. Also, the podcast now has MERCH MERCH MERCH available at this link: GEEKMORE MERCH
The podcast now has DONATE button and an AMAZON banner that you can click on to support the show. CLICK HERE
Follow Mt.GEEKmore on INSTAGRAM
Be sure to follow Mt. GEEKmore on Twitter: @MtGEEKmore
Mt. GEEKmore is on Facebook: Facebook.com/MtGeekMore
Mt. GEEKmore is: @NerySaenz / @Remyfication / @GeoffMerc
Tuesday Sep 20, 2016
Geekmore 33 - Best Football Movies
Tuesday Sep 20, 2016
Tuesday Sep 20, 2016
This week David Del Rosario returns to the show as they discuss, the new Bat Mech suit, fan Poison Ivy casting and the news that Man Of Steel 2 is in the works and Raul, from COSPLAY FAME, tells the story of how he has seen David Ulloa's meant and potatoes. They then help ring in the new football season by discussing the Mt. Rushmore of BEST FOOTBALL movies Also, the podcast now has MERCH MERCH MERCH available at this link: GEEKMORE MERCH
The podcast now has DONATE button and an AMAZON banner that you can click on to support the show. CLICK HERE
Follow Mt.GEEKmore on INSTAGRAM
Be sure to follow Mt. GEEKmore on Twitter: @MtGEEKmore
Mt. GEEKmore is on Facebook: Facebook.com/MtGeekMore
Mt. GEEKmore is: @NerySaenz / @Remyfication / @GeoffMerc